
Trade's role as a trustee
Trade's mission is to support and promote the well-being of the BBA students of the Turku University of Applied Sciences' students during their studies and to prepare them for the post-graduation period.
Our most important task is to ensure that the educational conditions and training of our members are of sufficient quality and that they develop.
Advocacy Officer
The Board of Trade as a whole is responsible for advocacy, but the Board's trustee is responsible for organicing the association's advocacy activities.
The Trustee meets with the school management and staff and aims to ensure a low-threshold dialogue with students. The implementation and quality of advocacy is also measured through regular feedback surveys.
We advocate for students' interests together with the Student Union TUO's Representative Council, Students of Business and technology and other student associations on matters concerning the whole university of applied sciences. The Students of Business and technology is the largest national organisation representing the interests of BBA students. As a member of the Students of Business and technology, you can take part in Students of Business and technology events and get advice and guidance on issues such as internships, summer jobs and pay.
You can join as a member of the Students of Business and technology online or by coming to the Trades office to fill in a form (Psst. Easiest way, you can grab a coffee at the same time)

Influencing activities
We actively encourage our students to get involved in lobbying activities. Every year we look for new members to join the Trade Board, where you can become a champion of our students' interests and be part of building a better student culture.
In addition, we are involved in the annual 'Haluan päättää' campaign together with the Turku Engineering Students Association TIO. You can run for the Student Union TUO's Representative Council in the elections The Student Union TUO’s representative council.

Please feel free to contact our advocacy officer or another Trade Board member with any questions or concerns you may have about issues such as tuition, school facilities or courses.
We will help you to pass your feedback on to the right people and, if necessary, intervene ourselves. You can contact us on our social media channels, by email edunvalvonta@tradery.fi, by dropping by the stand or the office..