BBA students graduate every year in Turku and almost all of them find employment quickly, at the latest after graduation. Our students specialise in a wide range of fields, including marketing, financial management, data processing, sales and business logistics.
Trade's partners range from banks to Turku nightclubs, as well as smaller companies that interest the students in our field!
Forms of cooperation with different parties include overall sponsorships, joint events, product presentations and job advertisements shown on our social media channels.
Contact us yritysyhteistyo@tradery.fi, to discuss how your company can utilize Trade in the search for visibility and new talent.
We require our partners to be committed to Trade's values
The students and their overalls are a familiar sight in the streetscape of Turku. Hundreds of BBA students start their studies in Turku each year and the majority of them buy themselves wonderful yellow overalls through Trade!
The overalls are visible at student events throughout the year for at least three years. Our overalls are a great place to advertise for your business!
If you are interested in advertising in our overalls, please contact us at yritysyhteistyo@tradery.fi!